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Welcome to the OE/EI/ICA Repository

Repository A repository is a central place where data is stored and maintained. A repository can be a place where multiple databases or files are located for distribution over a network, or a repository can be a location that is directly accessible to the user without having to travel across a network.

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Introductory Note:

This web site is dedicated to making available the stories, materials and forward thinking of those who have worked with OE (the Order: Ecumenical), EI (the Ecumenical Institute) and ICA (the Institute of Cultural Affairs) over the last five decades. The OE/EI/ICA Repository is not maintained by any of those entities, nor are they responsible for the content of this site. (For some brief background on these organizations, see Who Are These?)

The OE/EI/ICA Repository is ...

... a window into the history of those who have participated in the journey of a lifetime.

... a place for us to reconnect and interact with one another, to reminisce, tell stories, share events and perspectives, look at photos and video, listen to our recorded voices and singing, as well as read, share and preserve important documents. It is not only about the past, but also about how this legacy lives on in our knowing, doing and being today.

It is our hope that this website will help us to more fully grasp the scope and significance of what we were all about--and perhaps still are. By gathering in one place materials that shed light on the events of our lives, it may also be that members of our families will better understand some of the decisions that we made.

We see this as a collaboration in sharing the things we treasure about our journey together and the ways we have benefited and learned from that adventure.

We don't see this as the long awaited history of our community. Perhaps it is our Chronicles. It will surely be a resource for anyone bold enough to take on the challenge of writing that history at some point in the future.

This venture is clearly a work in progress. We want it to grow and are trying to make things here as user friendly as possible. So we definitely welcome your suggestions.

Website Protocol

May what you choose to relate become an enriching experience for everyone who reads it and a positive contribution to Order/EI/ICA history.

Please respond to what is contributed by offering your interpretation of a shared event in the spirit of collegiality.

For More Information, click on one of these Links:

Things You Can Do On The Repository

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So, Who's Behind This--Really?

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About the Wedgeblade Symbol

Main Web Utilities

  • Charting_Song.m4v: Charting Method to the tune of O Holy Night. Words adapted by Doug Druckenmiller

Topic revision: r34 - 21 Sep 2014, JamesWiegel
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