This is the place for thoughtful reflections. These may not fit neatly into one of the Subject categories or the Years or Places sections of this website. They may be more like personal stories or witnesses or more like extended collegia or long essays, parts of a book you're writing, an article--etc. Create your own title, or add your material to one already here.
Quick Tips for adding your material here:
You can add your reflections to one of these broad categories--or create your own.
To enter your item under one of the existing categories on this page, click Edit above, then scroll to the category under which you wish to add your item. Note the double bracket format for the existing items, the Foswiki pages. It's probably easiest to simply copy one of the existing listing's format and paste it in under the category where you want it. Then change the text within the two sets of brackets to fit your title. In the first set of brackets, create a short WikiWord for the title; in the second, write the title as you want it to show up on the page. Look at how others have done this to get their titles. You can preview your work (bottom of page), then save it. This will return you to this ReflectiveWritings page, where you will see your new listing show up with a question mark at the end. If it's not quite right, go back into Edit mode and tweak it. When you are satisfied and have saved this page, click the question mark on your listing to actually create its page. When you do this, it will create the new page and take you to it in Edit mode. Now, you can add your material to the new page you have created by writing or pasting it directly onto that page. Remember, the page is only fully created when you have saved it.
If the material you wish to add doesn't fall under one of the existing categories, you can also create your own whole new category in this section. To do this, simply edit the page. Click Edit and scroll to the end of the page. Start your title line with three dashes, followed by three plus signs (see Formatting help at the top of this page when you are in Edit mode). Now type the new category you'd like your item to be a part of. Preview, then Save. Now there is a new category existing on this page, and you're ready to follow the steps under the first bullet above and create the first item under it.
For an illustration, see Order Stories below. See the Step By Step on the sidebar for more options and help. Always remember to save your work when you are finished--otherwise, it will disappear!