ICA Global Archives
Collection Clusters 2014
1. Exploring, Living and Celebrating the Interior Life: Spirit Methods, the New Religious Mode, Spirit Conversations, the Other World, Profound Humanness, The Odyssey, Journey Constructs 2. Analyzing How All Societies Work, Fail to Work and Can Be Changed: The New Social Vehicle, the Social Process, the Corporate Process, Pressure Points, Whistle Points 3. Building and Sustaining a Global Movement: The Symbolic Order, the Spirit Movement, corporate life, Religious Houses 4. Designing and Implementing a Strategy for the Renewal of the Church: The Local Church Experiment 5. Catalyzing Local Community Development on a Worldwide Scale: Fifth City Project, the Band of 24 Human Development Projects, Replication and Expansion Strategies and Projects 6. Demonstrating International Collaboration and Sharing: Sharing Approaches That Work and the International Exposition of Rural Development 7. Introducing Transformational Strategic Thinking to Communities and Organizations: Global Community Forum, Town Meeting, LENS and the Global Consults 8. Awakening Profound Selfhood: RS-1, ITI and the Academy 9. Developing Tools for Effective Collective Action: Facilitation Methods and the ToP Network 10. Creating Structures for Transformative Education: Imaginal Education, Intellectual Methods, Pedagogy, Charting, the Art Form, Seminar and Lecture Methods, the Minischool, Preschool, Student House, Rite of Passage Journeys, Training Inc., HDTI