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The Abbey North Gathering Reports * Day One July 16, 2007 This gathering at Abbey North in northern Ontario marks the eighth in a series of such formal dialog...
Our Legacy Context: A Brainstorm of Components We seem to be currently engaged in a number of conversations about the legacy of our community. One that some of ...
Brian's Page DEDICATED TO THE MEMORY OF BRIAN STANFIELD (Space has been provided for comments below.) * Picture of Brian (courtesy John Cock) * Brian ...
The Calendar / Expanded Participation This is team report from our group at Springboard. I think this could be a good resource for opportunities to be related w...
The Catalog Listing of Talks and Songs Paul Evans Tape Archive: (Walt Epley s boxes as of 10/28/09) Summer 72 Other World Trek LecturesCassette 1: 3 Jul 72Sing...
Charles Moore Charles Moore died June 23, 2014 at the age of 79. Memorial Service The Service was held at 2:00 PM at the Faith Presbyterian Church, 1314 E Oltorf...
Competencies and Stories STORIES AND COMPETENCIES GROUP REPORT: David Dunn, Sarah Miller, Leroy Philbrook (via SKYPE), Jim Wiegel. SURPRISE ! SURPRISE ! Our...
The Congolese Cross From David Walters : Katanga (Congolese) crosses were used as currency in the copper mining region of what used to be Zaire, in Africa. They ...
A Compilation on Consensus Jeanette Stanfield was kind enough to pull together here a number of colleagues' comments about the nature of consensus and experiences...
Kenya Aha, is it true no one has written about Kenya least not in the 'places' link. So..we (Altons) spent 6 years there, 1980 late 86.... and I am ...
Main.LenHockley 31 May 2006 First use of Congolese Cross as Order Cross and the creation of the House Church Reredose with a double St Andrews Cross The event ...
History of the Wedgeblade Symbol In December 2006 I mentioned on the Wedgeblade dialogue mailing list that something like the wedgeblade symbol appeared in an App...
Main.LenHockley 24 Jul 2006 This was a happening in my life for many more reasons than I could have imagined on arriving at the airport not so near Vale. The pl...
Individual Writings We began the Junaluska Gathering with introductions, opening words and drawings. We read out the greetings we got from Joe Slicker. Then Geo...
Personal Pages The idea for these came from the second Springboard gathering. We were looking for a way to share our personal data in such a way that we could e...
Photos, Video and Audio Recordings Short Video of the Gathered Group We opened the Junaluska Gathering on Friday afternoon, November 30th, with twenty five of us ...
What It Means To Be Part of the Springboard Venture 1. Sign the Declaration 2. Complete personal profile/data base page, including spiritual practice and opportun...
Steve Harrington Here is Steve's obituary posted by his sister Jane in Minneapolis: : Harrington, Stephen Harris Jr. age 72, died at his Bayport home of pulmon...
THE 20 PRINCIPLES OF CORPORATENESS 1. Corporateness grows out of a mutual calling. 2. Covenant and discipline sustain community. 3. Regular accountability of each...
List of Foswiki users Below is a list of users with accounts. If you want to edit topics or see protected areas of the site then you can get added to the list by ...
Number of topics: 20
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