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Results from Main web retrieved at 12:27 (GMT)

Assignments for Europe, NAME, and Africa. Assignments for North America. Main.LenHockley 05 Jul 2006
Main.LenHockley 05 Jul 2006
Quick Tips for adding your material here: Find the location that you are interested in in, either the Global Map or the Global Area Grid. Set your cursor over tha...
Clickable World Mouse over the map and click on individual countries. _We have done our best to include all countries visible as at least one pixel at a resolutio...
Remember When the Music (a song about our singing) by Harry Chapin Remember when the music Came from wooden boxes Strung with silver wire. And as we sang the word...
DECADES OF GLORY Quick Tips for adding your material here: * Click on any decade to see the years and the events listed under each. (If the event you are inter...
The Comments Page In which you, the visitor, can tell us what you think, express your opinion, or post a note for your friends. If you need specific help with thi...
Number of topics: 7
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