The Daily Office

The Order understood how critical it was to dramatize on a daily basis its understanding of who it was, what it was called to do and indeed, its very understanding of life itself. The Daily Office went through different articulations at different times and in different cultural settings, but it followed a common format in all of these and expressed the same foundational understanding of "the way life is" (TWLI) in all of them. We spoke of this daily ritual activity as "rehearsing" TWLI and practiced it wherever the Order was present. There were longer and shorter forms (see The Geneva Offices), ones with more religious language and others with more secular language, as well as forms for corporate gatherings and others for individual use.

The Daily Office of the Solitaries

A form that was used for many years follows:



The Community gathers in silence rising at the second gong, as the Liturgists process, kneeling at the third gong. then rising and facing the East with the Liturgists.

L. In the name of the Creator. And of the Redeemer. And of the Sustainer. Amen.

the ascription

C. Amen.


At the peal, the Community faces the table.

L. Beloved in Christ. Let us confess our sins unto Almighty God. We have sinned and done wrong. And acted wickedly and rebelled. Turning aside from Thy commandments and ordinances.

the call

C. Lord have mercy upon us.

L. Christ have mercy upon us.

C. Lord have mercy upon us.

At the peal. the community kneels

L. Let us pray.

C. Most merciful Creator. We have done little to forward Thy kingdom in this world. We have allowed self to blind us. And pains to embitter us. We have forgotten that whatsoever is done to the least of Thy children. Is done unto Thee. Pardon our shortcomings. Forgive our neglect. And give us a pure heart. Through Jesus Christ our Lord.

the confession

L. Amen.

C. Amen.

The Community remains kneeling, as the Liturgists rise.

L. Beloved in Christ. God hath had mercy upon us. We are free to live. For we are a forgiven people. If we walk in the light. As God is in the light. We have fellowship with one another. And the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin

the absolution

The Liturgists kneel.

L. Let us pray.

C. Our Creator who art in heaven. Hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses. As we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation. But deliver us from evil.

Lord’s prayer

L. For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory. Forever and ever. Amen.

C. Amen.


At the peal, the Community rises facing the East.

L. O Lord open Thou our lips.

C. And our mouths shall show forth Thy praise.

L. Praise ye the Lord.

C. The Lord’s name be praised.


At the peal, the Community faces the table.

L. O come let us sing unto our God.

C: Let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation.

the psalm

L: For the Lord is a great God. And a great Power above all Gods.

C. Left: O worship our Lord in the beauty of holiness. Let the whole earth stand in awe of God.

C. Right: For God comes. For God comes to judge the earth.

C. Left: God will judge the world with righteousness.

C. Right: And the peoples with God’s truth.

At the peal. the community faces the East.

L. Glory be to the Creator. And to the Redeemer. And to the Sustainer.

C. As it was in the beginning. Is now and ever shall be. World without end.

the gloria

L. Amen.

C. Amen.

At the peal, the community faces the table.

L. God bless the reading of Thy holy Word.

C. And to God’s name be glory and praise.

L. Amen.

C. Amen.

At the peal, the community is seated.


the old

At the peal. the Community rises facing the East.


L. We praise Thee O God.

C. We acknowledge Thee to be our Lord.

L. All the earth doth worship, the Creator everlasting.

C. Left. The glorious company of the Apostles praise Thee.

C. Right. The goodly fellowship of the Prophets praise Thee.

the gradual

C. Left. The noble arms of martyrs praise Thee.

C. Right. The Holy Church throughout all the world doth acknowledge Thee.

L. Glory be to Thee O Lord.

C. Praise be to thee O Christ.

L. Amen.

C. Amen.

At the peal, the Community faces the table.


the new

At the peal, the Community faces the East.


L. Be sure that our Creator is God.

C. It is God that hath made us and not we ourselves.

L. We are God’s people and the sheep of God’s pasture.

C. Left. O go your way into God’s gates with thanksgiving. And into God’s courts with praise.

the gradual

C. Right. Be thankful unto God. And speak good of God’s name.

C. Left. For the Lord is gracious. God’s mercy is everlasting.

C. Right. And God’s truth endureth from generation to generation.

L. Amen.

C. Amen.

At the peal, the community faces the table.

L. Let the words of our mouth and the meditations of our hearts. Be acceptable in Thy sight.

C. O Lord our strength. And our redeemer.

L. Amen.

C. Amen.

At the peal, the Community is seated.

the witness


At the peal, the Community rises facing the table.

L. Praise God all nations. Extol the Lord all peoples.

C. For great is God’s kindness toward us. And the faithfulness of our Lord is everlasting.

L. Hallelujah!

C. Amen!

At the peal. the Community faces the East.

L. I believe in God the Creator Almighty.

the creed

C. Maker of heaven and earth.

L. And in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, our Lord.

C. Left. Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost.

C. Right. Born of the Virgin Mary.

C. Left. Suffered under Pontius Pilate.

C. Right. Was crucified dead and buried.

C. Left. He descended into Hell.

C. Right. The third day He rose again from the dead.

C. Left. He ascended into Heaven.

C. Right. And sitteth on the right hand.

C. Left. Of God the Creator Almighty.

C. Right. From thence He shall come to judge.

C. Left. The quick and the dead.

L. I believe in the Holy Ghost.

C. Left. The Holy Catholic Church.

C. Right. The communion of saints.

C. Left. The forgiveness of sins.

C. Right The resurrection of the body.

C. Left. And the life everlasting.

L. Amen.

C. Amen.


At the peal, the Community faces the table.

L. The Lord be with you.

C. And with thy spirit.

L. O Lord show Thy mercy upon us.

C. And take not Thy Holy Spirit from us.

L. Amen.

C. Amen.


At the peal, the Community kneels.

L. Beloved in Christ. Let us pray for the Church.

C. O Thou who didst raise the Lord. Jesus Christ from the dead. Enable Thy people to embody. The resurrected life. That they may faithfully discern. Thy mighty deeds. And sacrificially give themselves for the sake of all people. In the name of Jesus the Christ. Amen.


the petition

L. Let us pray for the world.

C. Almighty God. We humbly beseech Thee to direct the course of this world. In accordance with Thy holy will. Prosper all councils which make for rightful peace And guide and direct the leaders of the United Nations. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.



L. Let us pray for those in tribulation.

C. O Thou who seest all the suffering, injustice and misery in the world. Have pity we implore Thee. On the work of Thy hands. Fill our hearts with deep compassion for those who suffer. And hasten the coming of the kingdom of justice and truth. For the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

At the peal, the Community rises facing the table.

L. Beloved in Christ. Let us present ourselves and our gifts before Almighty God. On behalf of all persons everywhere. As an offering to the world.

the offering

C. Both riches and honor come from Thee. And Thou rulest over all. In Thy hand is to make great. And to give strength to all.

At the peal, the Community is seated


L. And God humbled you. And let you hunger and fed you with manna. Which you did not know. Nor did your forebears know. That God might make you know. That we do not live by bread alone.

I was hungry and you gave me food. I was thirsty and you gave me drink. I was a stranger and you welcomed me. I was naked and you clothed me. I was sick and you visited me. I was in prison and you came to me.

Let all that you do be done in love.

the verses

At the peal, the Community rises facing the table.

L. Beloved in Christ. Let us offer up our gifts.

C. Almighty God. Thou who dost give us all things. Receive now the gifts of Thy people. Help us to render unto Thee all that we have. And all that we are. That we may praise Thee with our whole lives. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

the presentation

L. Amen.

C. Amen.

At the peal, the Community faces the East.

L. Praise ye the Lord.

C. Praise God. From whom all blessings flow. Praise God. All creatures here below. Praise God above. Ye heavenly hosts. Praise Creator, Redeemer and Holy Ghost.

the doxology

L. Amen.

C. Amen.


At the peal, the Community faces the table.

L. Grace and peace be unto you.

the peace

C. From God our Creator and the Lord Jesus Christ.

L. Amen.

C. Amen.


L. The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. And the love of God. And the fellowship of the Holy Ghost. Be with us all evermore. Amen.

the benediction

Community kneels in prayer while the liturgists recess, rising at the third peal and going forth into the world to actualize the service.

-- GordonHarper - 02 Jul 2006

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